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Classic Video Channels Index

Henry Kaiser Sr. loved photography and movie-making.  If he was not taking pictures himself, he arranged for Kaiser Companies public relations staffers to follow him and his family on many occasions to document these family gatherings.  As we promised in the book, this website offers a chance for readers to see some of the terrific motion picture images we have been able to uncover.  Some of these images have not been seen by anyone other than a Kaiser executive or Kaiser family member.  Others, such as the Kaiser commercials and television appearances, have been salvaged from a wide range of video libraries. 


But the Kaisers weren't the only people creating interesting video clips.  As we uncover other video treasures made by subsequent owners of Fleur du Lac, you will be able to view them here on the "Eclectic Channel." 


We have categorized videos into 7 separate "channels" depending on subject as seen below.  Each of the channels can be accessed by clicking the link associated with the particular channel.   

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